What is Typeform?
Typeform makes collecting and sharing information comfortable and conversational. It's a web-based platform you can use to create anything from surveys to apps, without needing to write a single line of code.
Beautifully designed, asking one question at a time like a real conversation, typeforms are engaging and fun to complete. Thanks to this combination, typeforms have great completion rates, meaning you can get more and better results.
Read on to see answers to common questions about Typeform, or click a section name to view those questions:
Account Settings and device use
What browsers and devices are supported by Typeform?
Typeforms can be viewed and completed using the following platforms/browsers:
Windows and Mac computers with the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Opera browsers.
Tablets: all iOS and Android versions still supported and maintained by Apple and Google.
Smartphones: all iOS and Android versions still supported and maintained by Apple and Google.
We usually support at least two previous versions of all popular browsers and platforms. On unsupported versions or devices, people trying to access your typeform will see a message apologizing and pointing them to a page where they can update their browser.
Why can’t I log in to my account?
If you’re having difficulty logging in, check our Status Page to see if there are any current technical problems affecting our platform.
If you are logging in for the first or second time, please check this article for various solutions.
I can’t verify my Typeform account
When you sign up to Typeform, we send you an email to verify your account. If you can’t find it:
- Check your email spam folder. The email subject will be Activate your typeform account.
- Wait 15 minutes - the email may have been delayed.
If you still have not received your verification email, please contact support with the button at the end of this FAQ.
I want to change my account email
You can change your account email from your account Settings.
Note that if you signed up to Typeform using Google or Microsoft, you won't be able to change the account email. Contact Support using the button at the bottom of this page if you need to change the email on an account that used Google or Microsoft sign-up.
Can I use typeforms without an internet connection?
There’s no “offline mode” with Typeform. It’s designed to work only with an internet connection, which you need to load the typeform, and also to submit responses.
If someone starts completing a typeform but loses their internet connection, they can click the Submit button, but a message will appear saying results cannot be submitted, and to not close the page. The typeform will keep trying until the internet connection returns, as long as the browser tab remains open.
My typeform’s not loading!
Don’t worry! Head over to our Troubleshooting article, which will help you fix things.
Creating and sharing typeforms
How can I copy a typeform?
In your Workspace, there is a Duplicate button, which allows you to copy typeforms. This article shows you how.
How can I move a typeform to another Workspace or account?
Read this article to find out how to move typeforms.
Can you build conditions or “skip logic” into the form?
With Typeform, conditions are called Logic. Check out these articles and video explaining how to use it:
- Get the most out of Logic, variables, and scores
- How to combine Branching and calculations and Outcome quiz with Logic
- Hide following questions using Branching and calculations
Can I upload questions and data into a typeform?
Short answer: in most cases, no. When creating a typeform you have to write or copy/paste each one, one at a time. However, if you're a Google Drive user, you can use our Docs importer to import a list of questions based on a template we provide.
Can I pre-populate fields?
You can pre-populate typeform questions or statements with some data using URL parameters, which you can find out about here:
So, for example if you know someone's name, you can feed that into a typeform, so it feels more personalized.
Can I pre-populate typeform answers?
You cannot pre-populate a typeform's results. The only way to get results stored in a typeform is by people completing it. We think we make it a nice experience that people enjoy :)
I made changes to my typeform questions or settings, but my form doesn't show them!
Make sure to hit Publish after making any edits to your typeform, so that the updates are transferred to the live version of the form. If you're already using the typeform link on another site, you won't have to replace it for the updates to show.
You also need to republish your form when editing typeform settings. Otherwise, the new settings won't affect people responding to your form.
My typeform is skipping questions / The questions I created aren't showing up in my published typeform!
This may be because of how your typeform's Logic is set up. Double check any rules you've created to confirm that you aren't accidentally skipping questions, and use your Logic Map as a handy reference to make sure your respondents are being sent down the right question paths.
You can also check out these articles and video for smart tips on troubleshooting Logic:
- Ordering Logic
- How to use "reverse logic" with blank fields
- Logic not working? Here are 5 ways to fix it
Why do I get a message telling me to upgrade when I try to publish my typeform?
Users can test out certain features belonging to a higher tier of our pricing plan. Trying a paid feature will put the typeform in Trial mode. Typeforms in Trial mode can't be published unless the paid features are removed, or the account is upgraded. You can learn more about Trial mode here.
My typeform shows as 'closed', but I didn't close it!
This may be because your account has reached its response limit for the month. Response limits apply across all typeforms in your account and are refreshed monthly. Learn more about response limits here.
How do I close my typeform?
If you want to stop submissions or take your typeform offline, this article explains how.
Your typeform results
How can I identify my respondents?
There are a couple of ways to identify your respondents. Read this article to find out how.
Can I generate unique codes for each respondent?
You can create unique codes for respondents using URL parameters, so you can easily track who is completing your typeforms. This article explains how.
You can automate the creation of unique codes with a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) program, which is also detailed in the above article.
Do respondents need to complete my typeform in one sitting?
Your audience doesn't have to complete a typeform in one sitting. They can start to fill one in, close it, and then return later and their answers will still be there. The only rule is they have to be on the same browser and device (and not in Incognito or Private browsing mode). Their answers will be kept safely in their browser's local storage for 15 days.
Can I see the answers for partially submitted typeforms?
If you've added a Partial Submit Point to your form, you'll be able to see answers submitted up to that point. Learn more about collecting partial responses here.
What are response limits?
A response limit is the number of typeform responses that you can collect on your account per month, across all typeforms. Learn more about response limits here.
Can I get an email every time my typeform gets a new response? Can I send typeform respondents their answers?
Yes, you can set up follow-up messages to send email notifications to yourself or your team when you get a new response. Follow-ups can also send emails to your respondents with the answers they've submitted.
How can I get my results?
Typeform results live in the Results panel, which you see when you log in to your account, and open the typeform. Click here to find out all about viewing and using your results, or watch the video below:
How can I make sure respondents only answer my typeform once?
We don't currently offer a way to automatically prevent multiple submissions, but you can try the tip suggested in this article.
How do I edit submitted responses?
This is not possible on Typeform. If you want to edit results, you need to download your results to a spreadsheet, where you can manually edit submissions.