Cancel your Typeform plan

Is your campaign over, or have you just realized that you no longer need certain features of your Typeform plan? You can cancel your plan by following the instructions in this article.

Check out this article if you're looking to upgrade or downgrade your plan.

Important! When you cancel your Typeform plan, your forms may be closed to new responses, and any forms using paid features will go into trial mode. For more details, see this page

To cancel your plan:

1. Log into your account, click the organization icon in the top left corner, and go to Plan & Billing.


2. Now you can see your current plan information. Click Cancel my plan.


3. On the next screen you can view all the plans we offer. To start the cancellation process, select the Free plan and then click Get Free to downgrade your account to our Free plan.


If you're currently on a Growth plan, you'll need to click on the Individuals tab and then you'll be able to select the Free plan to downgrade to.


Continue to the next steps to complete the cancellation process.

4. Review your changes and click Continue to survey.


5. Complete the cancellation survey and make sure you click Submit at the end. If you don't complete the entire survey, your account will remain active.


6. Click the checkbox to confirm your cancellation and then click Cancel my plan to cancel your account.


The cancellation will not go into effect until the end of the paid period. For example, if on Aug 8 you cancel a monthly subscription that was meant to renew on Aug 27, you will still have access to paid features until Aug 27. Your forms and the responses you have already collected will not be deleted after the downgrade goes into effect. Your forms may go into trial mode, if they use paid features, and you'll have limited access to response data.

When you cancel your plan, we'll send you an email confirming the cancellation. If you can't find this email, it might have landed in your spam folder. If you didn't get the email at all, please check the Plan & billing section of your account to make sure that the cancellation was successful.

7. Now your cancellation is confirmed. 


8. Having second thoughts? Go back to the Plan & billing page, and you’ll be able to cancel the downgrade before it goes into effect by clicking Stop! I changed my mind. Then select Yes, stay on my existing plan.  


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