Redirect to URL or redirect with End Screens?

Redirect to URL and redirecting through an End Screen are two ways that you can send respondents to different webpages after they finish your form. 

Both Ending types are available on the Plus plan and above. You can add them to your form by clicking the sign next to Endings, in the left-hand sidebar of the Create panel, and choosing the Ending you prefer. You can use multiple Endings per form. Read on to decide which type is right for you.

Redirect to URL sends respondents to a single webpage of your choice after they click Submit on a form. You can set it up by clicking the + sign next to Endings, in the left-hand sidebar of the Create panel then selecting Redirect to URL. Using Redirect to URL is a great choice if you don’t want to use an End Screen in your form. You can use multiple redirects in your form, and use Logic to guide respondents to one redirect Ending or another. 


You can set up redirects through an End Screen by adding an End Screen and changing the button link in the Question tab, in the right-hand sidebar of the Create panel. If your form includes multiple End Screens, you can set up a different link for each. Redirecting through End Screens is a smart move if you want to show different End Screens to respondents depending on their answers.


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